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August 2017
Salena's stones at Hebron.
Salena and Chris had some large stones on the edge of their field, and they rang me up in May 2017, and asked if I would go over there, to have a look and see if it was possible to move them into powerful places in the field. I went to meet them, and saw the stones. The main one was 13 foot long and 3-4 foot thick, lying long ways on the ground. I dug under it a little, and it seemed to not go into the ground too deep!
This stone was lying between a stream and a 4 foot high bank, so there was no room to use levers on it. I suggested that we use a JCB to pull it out from this spot, and then get it up on rollers and drag it across the field, around 80-100 yards, to the centre, its final resting place. The other stone was also lying by the bank, a little way away, and this was a smaller stone, about 6 foot long and 3 foot thick. We agreed that this one would be good to site at the entrance to the field, and this would then mark the sunrise at Equinox from the standing stone at the centre.
We then discussed the equipment necessary for the job, such as wooden poles and levers, and I said I would try to find a suitable JCB driver to help. A friend suggested Dai, and he and I met up at the site, with Salena and Chris, and decided that it was all possible, and that we would aim to do it in August. The first date we chose was the 14th, but this was then too wet, so we went for the following week, and I then realised that this meant we could do it all on the day of a Solar Eclipse, a time I love to work with, as I feel it is a gateway time, when new things can happen more easily!
The day started with success, as, once I had smudged the stone, and told it what we were going to do, Dai managed to pull the stone free of the stream and bank,and out into the field. We then tried to get it up onto the rollers, but it was not possible. However, as Dai pulled on the stone, it became clear that he could actually pull it along the ground without rollers, as the grass and ground were just wet enough to allow the front edge of the stone, which was slightly curved up, to slide freely along. He gently but firmly pulled it along till it reached the central point we had chosen, marked by one of my Dragon flags. Meanwhile, a troupe of drummers played, urging the stone along, and helping build up the energy we needed.
At this point we needed a tea break, and then Dai started moving the smaller stone. I again smudged it, and told it what was happening. He then pulled it out from the bank, but then, as he lifted it up in the cup of the JCB, it split in to 3 pieces! Salena and Chris and I then looked at these, and decided that 2 of the pieces would go where we had chosen, at the entrance to the field, and the third piece would mark the point in-between them and the centre stone, and the edge of the circle that will go around this, being left as grass, with the garden then making an outer ring around it all.
I went over to the gate, and with Dai's help placed the 2 stones either side of the entrance, where they looked fine, as if they had always been that size and shape! I then asked all the people there, about 10 or so drummers and helpers, to make offerings into the hole for the central stone, making prayers as they did so. I then smudged the stone again, and we slowly brought it upright and into the hole. It went in very smoothly, with Dais' expert manoeuvring, and finally stood there, proudly erect and happy!
We did a final blessing, and drum, and left it to settle in. I am planning to go back in the spring and hold an opening ceremony for these stones, and the sacred space they enclose.
Ros with the stone smudging.
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