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1986-94 Organised Oak Dragon Camps; personal focus on the Living Astrology camps, exploring Experiential Astrology and new approaches to ceremony. 1987 Initiated into labyrinth building by Sig Lonegren. Went on to make several temporary Cretan Style labyrinths, and also Fire labyrinths at camps and festivals. 1992-94 Visited Slovakia to teach Astrology, arranged with Slovaldans who had come to Oak dragon on free tickets to promote an East west Exchange. 1993 Attended conference on “Using Education to achieve Global Consciousness and furthering World Peace” in city near Moscow USSR. 1993 Visited China; went to~any ancient sites, induding Ban Po, Neolithic matriarchal village. 1993-96 Taught several weekend winter classes, at youth hostels, on Experiential Astrology. 1994-c; Regularly taught beginners classes in Astrology, Tarot and basics of Magic at Soundwell College BristoL Usually one class each term, on a friends course ‘Palmistry and Ancient Arts’. 1994-96 Involved in Elders Gatherings, meetings of various teachers to share peer group issues. 1995 Attended Fourth World Conference on Women, NGO Forum in Hairou near Beijing, China. 1995 Appearance on Television series, Cook on the Wild Side, giving green witch magical assistance to the cook! 1996-2001 Moved to Tipi Valley developed planetary astronomy, innovative ceremony, and Earth awareness. 1996 Created my own scaled down 7-ring version of Chartres style labyrinth at Tipi Valley using local stone and white quartz. Started at solar eclipse and finished at lunar eclipse. 1996,97,98 Worked as part of Sweat Lodge Team at Big Green Gathering 1997 Asked to find site in Scotland for International Rainbow gathering, (after 9 months of fruitless searching!) Found one in 4 weeks. Attended Gathering in Scotland, then went on to second one in Greece. Strong connections with global mind and Magic e.g. Reiki healing, world speak etc. |