Ros Briagha's website
Briagha is a community leader
who ran OakDragon,
an outdoor educational organization that brings people back to Nature.
She is a Wiccan teacher and ceremonialist who is also adept at divination.
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Coed Marros
Temple Druid
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August 2017
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Hindwell March
Strata Florida June 2005
Mitchells Fold June 2005
Coed_Hills September 2005
Gower December 2005
Gors Fawr December 2005
Callinish June 2006
Dragons Flight June 2007
The Eight Festivals
Magical development
is Ros Briagha?
E-mail:ros@rosbriagha.org |
The 8 Festivals
The beginning of the pagan calendar is at Samhain, one of the Cross Quarter
days, which are known as the Fire Festivals. The exact date cannot be fixed by Sun
and Moon, but rather flows as a tide, as the year turns and, in Britain at least, the
trees lose their leaves.
This is the real start of the Dark Times, when all beings rest, and make plans,
and gather strength for the year ahead. It is a time to really look hard at what we
have, whether it be beasts or burdens, and to accept that it is time for those
aspects of our lives that are no longer healthy to die. It is a opportunity for
cleansing, as the winter rains wash away the old and outworn, and make a clear
space for the new to grow into. The darkness is a gift, a time of inner reflection and
peace, when the urgent demands of Spring are far away, and it is time to curl up
somewhere warm and sleep.It is one of the most potent times of year, a shift point from Light to Dark, and
holds such power that our secular nation still celebrates it, with fire and the
honouring of the witches and spirits. It is a time when the veils are thin, and the
ancestors, and those who are yet to be, can reach through the astral mist and
contact us, to share their love and wisdom. We must acknowledge the power of the
unseen worlds, as the sunlight fades away and the creatures of the dark have their
time of strength. Our dreams and visions can become clearer, and we have space
to let them gestate during the winter, so they may emerge fully formed and ready in the spring.
Winter solstice
The first of the days of power for the Sun, as its southward journey finally slows to a
halt and stops - Solstitium = Sun+ make standstill. The shortest day, and yet it thus
holds the promise that after this, the days get longer again! The pagans know that
the celebration is for this reason, and so not an end point to joy, but rather a
beginning that leads us into the bleak but lighter days of the turning year.
This turning point, which can be clearly seen by all who care to use the ancient
calendars of the stone circles, is our guide that shows us it is time to rouse
ourselves from our winter sleep and start to prepare for the new times ahead. The
earth is cleansed of last years’ dead vegetation, and ready for us to go out and
make our mark on it, clearing paths forward, adding fertilizer to our plans, using the
rising energy to help us dream a new dream and start to make it real. This is the
easiest time to work on the land, when there is no surface growth to get in the way,
and this is true too for our inner gardens, free now of last years worries and
wrongs, and ready to start anew.
This is such a great time to fall into step with Nature, and enjoy each day as they
slowly lengthen. We can see clearly and much farther than in the summer, when
the bare bones of the Earth are no longer exposed. So we can take time to see our
road ahead, see the bigger picture of our lives, and see how it can fit in to the
larger world around us.
The second Fire Festival, and once again the energy of Nature is made manifest,
as the tide of returning growth starts to show itself. The snowdrops appear, often
amid the snow, and the sheep start their cycle of life again, as the baby lambs are
born. It is said that Imbolc means Ewe Milk , and to our ancestors this would have
been a true gift, of fresh new energy after the long months of eating stored food.
The lambs themselves would not be eaten now, but allowed to grow big and
strong as the new grass fed them and their mothers.
This time of change can be felt by us too, and this is a great time to really have a
good spring clean, both of your home and of yourself. The pagan way is to wash in
Brides’ cleansing water, and re-light our inner fire, to return ones’ body to “virgin “
state, ready to start a new cycle of our own. This helps us to slough off the sleepy
energy of winter, to feel bright and charged up with inner fire, reborn into a new
We can also recharge ourselves by going for walks and seeing for ourselves the
new buds on the trees, the fresh grass sprouting up, and of course, the most
wonderful part of all, the vibrant songs of the birds, as they too spruce up and
begin the urgent business of procreation. The human celebration of St. Valentines
day is actually a reminder that it is now that the birds start their courting, finding a
mate to share the nest building and family that can bring them fulfilment. We too
can enjoy meeting up with friends, after the quiet of the dark times, and making the
connections that will bring us fulfilment too.
Ostara, Spring Equinox
This is a truly Solar festival, as the Sun once more rules, and the Dark retreats.
Day and night are of equal length for a few days, and then the Light takes over, the
days growing longer much more quickly now. This rate of change is fastest at the
Equinox, and it is good to allow this to happen within too, welcoming the rush of
spring energy and the recharging of our batteries by the Sun.
Now is the time to get outside and start planting seeds for the future. We can look
at those winter plans and projects, and in the bright light really see which we are
ready to begin. We can make sure the ground is fully prepared, and that inside we
are also prepared, recharged and able to put our strength into making things
This is a time of Balance, when the importance of both light and dark can be
seen, and valued, and this balance needs to be present in our activities and
thoughts too. Too much of humanities path has been a process of disturbance, of
upsetting critical balances within Nature, and the world is going through quite a
major period of upheaval now because of it. We have worshipped the Light, and
forgotten about the importance of the Dark, and did not realise how foolish some of
our actions have been . It is time to weigh things up in the Cosmic Scales, and
discard those ways that lead us away from harmony with all other beings that
share our planet.
This is another of the Fire Festivals, when the whole of Nature seems to be afire
with desire and energy! The return of Life is obvious now, as the new leaves grow
on the trees, and the spring flowers bring beauty back into our lives. Again, this is
not a exact date, but the tide that brings in the feelings of warmth and growth, as
the young of many creatures are born, and blossoms cover the trees.
For us this tide can bring a chance to throw off the restrictions of the cold times,
put on our summer clothes, and get out and enjoy the sunshine. It is a time of
pleasure too, when the May Pole dance encourages those who are young in body
and spirit to make merry, and to make love! All of Nature is ready to join this dance,
as the young birds sing, and the insects hum with joy!
At this time of growth we must seize the opportunity to make our own desires
flourish and grow. The surge of energy is almost overwhelming, so those winter
plans need to be ready to roll now, making the most of this marvellous time. It is
appropriate to look outwards now, to seek for that which is our hearts desire, to
feed ourselves with this joyful exuberance and let our spirits feel the ecstacy of all
of Nature that the dark times are over once more, and Life has returned.
Summer Solstice
This is the peak of the Solar year, when the Sun has travelled as far North as it
goes in its rising, and the Light has its greatest power. Once more, it is possible to
go to the stone circles and see this happen, to watch that Sun rising behind the
marker stone, and see how we and our Earth Mother dance around the Sun
through all eternity.
The Light is with us for most of each day now, and this is a good time to explore
the outer world, while we can see most clearly. It can be good to travel now, to
search out new territory for our lives, to seek illumination within and without. In the
old days of the tribal peoples, before the wonders of modern cars and planes and
trains, this would be the time to go and meet up with different tribes and make
alliances and marriages and trades, while travel was easy and the long days
meant the people could move around without fear of being caught by the dark.
So make this an expansive time for yourself in some way. Make the most of this
illumination to go beyond your normal limits, to have new experiences and meet
new people, to allow yourself to try to reach new goals. Everything seems possible
when the Sun shines bright, - even in our British summers when the clouds can
gather, the light is still there and the days are still long!
The fourth Fire Festival, when the heat of summer should be at its strongest, and
Natures’ harvest is beginning. The first crops are ripening now, the first vegetables
are ready to eat, most of the work is done, and we can all relax and sit back for a
while, in what is still a traditional holiday time for both schools and factories.
In the old days, this was the time when the young men would hold their trials of
strength and skill, hence the name Lughnasadh, the sacred festival of Lugh of the
Shining Spear. It is not yet time for the serious harvest work, and so there can be
space to hone our abilities, and compete with others in a joyful way. The waning of
the light is not that obvious yet, the rate of change is slow, and so we can enjoy the
heat and the beauty around us for some while yet. Lammas as a name comes
from Loaf Mass, the celebration of the first cutting of the wheat that gives the grain
for our bread, which in past times was never a certainty and so was a cause of
great relief when the harvest was good. Even now, this gift of Nature should not be
taken for granted!
We should be able by now to start to see our own hard work coming to fruition, to
see how those winter plans and spring sowing have born fruit for us in our lives.
This is also then an opportunity to see whether we like our harvest, or whether we
may choose to sow a different crop next year. The new contacts we have made out
in the world will start to show their value, and all around us the ripening process
and rewards for our efforts should be clear.
Autumn Equinox
The year is turning, and once more the Balance is swinging back towards the
Dark. For a few days, night and day are equal, and then, slowly, the darkness starts
to grow. The Sun rises exactly in the East only at the Equinoxes, and sets exactly in
the West, a splendid sight to see if you can find a suitable viewing point. During the
rest of the year, it is exactly due East at 6am and exactly due West at 6pm, a useful
thing to know if you are out and about and want to know where you are! And every
day it is exactly due South at noon, GMT. { Ipm BST}
This is the real time of Harvest Thanksgiving, when all of Natures bounty is there
to be gathered in, and most of the corn and grain is safely in the barns, ready to
make our winter food. Many will join in harvest festivals at this point, showing off
their produce and giving thanks for this gift of renewed life.
So it is a good time to sit and evaluate your own harvest, to see if you have
gathered it all in now, and make sure that you know how to keep it well. On a
practical level, many make jam and chutney and wine to preserve these fruits and
vegetables, and of course we can now freeze many items too. On a more esoteric
level, we can pick over our accomplishments and see what we have managed to
achieve this year. Now is the time to start to return to our own place, to look
inwards once more, and digest the excitement and stimulation of our summer