is Ros Briagha? Tarot
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1972 Began visiting ancient sacred sites, alone and with friends, for research and for ceremony. 1974 Since this time I have done many hundreds of Tarot readings and many birth charts. 1976
Started classes in Astrology, - taught six groups over this period,
each one for about six months, basics of Astrology up to drawing up
a chart. 1980-85 Spent lots of time at Greenham Common Peace Camps. Initiated and shared ceremonies to free the Earth of nuclear threat. 1981- Moved to Wales, set up an open Pagan Centre, and focused Celebrations and Ceremonies at the 8 festivals, open to all Pagans. Created the Ring with Celtic Tree calendar 1984-85 Two appearances in Television programmes on Witchcraft, (one positive, one negative!). |